ICSE /Class 4
Maths MCQ Based On Addition of time
Our free online Maths test quiz for Class 4, ICSE will assist you to improve your Maths skills on every concept in a fun interactive way.

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ICSE Class 4 Maths Addition of time
Add hours to hours and minutes to minutes like a whole number
Add both the time to get the total time
addition of time,1 hour = 60 minutes
Add hours to hours like a whole number
addition of time, 1 hour = 60 seconds
Multiply the given time by 5
Twice the time Ram takes in morning
Convert min into hrs and sec into min if they are more than 60
1 hr = 30 minutes
1 minutes = 60 seconds
Multiply 1 hr 30 min by 31
Add minutes to minutes and seconds to seconds like a whole number

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