ICSE /Class 9
Physics MCQ Based On Change of pressure with depth
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ICSE Class 9 Physics Change of pressure with depth
The ideal gases have molecular volume and show no attraction between the molecules at any distance while the real gas molecules have the volume and show attraction at short distances.
Fewer air molecules at higher elevations than a similar surface at lower levels.The atmosphere's molecules are close to the earth's surface by gravitational force so air pressure decrease rapidly
Air is so compressible that its density has its highest value near the Earth’s surface and declines rapidly with altitude.
The salty water in the lake has a higher density, so the pressure exerted from water is high.
Pascal's Principle states that any pressure applied to an enclosed fluid is transmitted undiminished to every point of the fluid.
Mercury has a high density than water.
The standard atmospheric pressure P atm 1 atmosphere (atm) = Patm=1.01×105N/m2=101 kPa
Compare the densities of both.
Pressure of fluid.

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